Thursday, March 18, 2010

“What is a language” by asking this particular question one might feel stupid to others because we are wired to learn language from our earliest moments, and we learn with lightening speed. So, we think as a human being, it is natural to speak a Language no matter what it is. But what if a child grow up all alone, let’s say like “Tarzan, the jungle man”, would he be able to speak in a human language? No, since language means interaction and share between humans. Thus, Language has something to do with regular basis practice and that’s what a child does when he starts pick up the word. He would pronounce something wrong on first day but he would not do it next day.
Now, in an easy way we can say language is a system for communicating ideas and feelings using sounds, gestures, signs, or marks. Basically, it is the symbols we use in order to communicate with one another, and the rules that govern how we use them. A word is one or more sounds that in combination have a specific meaning assigned by a language.
i think language is a identity of who a person is.everybody should proud of their own language. Being a Bengali, i always feel so proud when i remember we are the only nation who had fought for their language. so, when i am abroad i am not upset at all beause i know i have something to feel important. Everyday, somelanguage are dying because nobody use them now or nobody practice them anymore.
Can we do something to save them from being lost?

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